Notes for SLCC In-Person and Zoom Meetings. Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, presented by Robbie In-person attendance, Robbie, Kevin, Richard, Ron. Zoom attendees, Kevin,Robbie,Richard, Ron, Bob,Rodrigo,Don, Michael S. - Rod spoke of the vintage computer fair in Santiago, Chile, lots of people, and we were pleased to see lots of Atari demos. He shared pictures from the show. - At VCF West, Kevin watched the Atari speaker,Howard Scott Warshaw, who "talks like he writes". - Richard bought a lot of stuff at the Consignment Center: a portable Compaq computer 3, an IBM 5155 PC portable, a Mac SE for spare parts, a Mac 512 with an 800 K floppy, a Colecovision Adam in a HUGE box, an Apple 3, Atari 400 in a box, an Atari 1025 printer in a box. - Kevin bought an Epson FX80 printer that is clean, works well, and is a good printer. - Ron said, by the time he got there, there wasn't much to buy. - Kevin brought Robbie's Atari Game Station Pro to the Meeting, and did a demonstration of it's features.He brought it, after fixing the Firmware Update problem Robbie was having, by performing a Hard Reset(you hold in a tool or paperclip for 30 seconds). Ron hadn't heard of the GSP, so he purchased one, online, at the Meeting. - Richard showed off the cartridges he printed and assembled for the preferred Atari XL,XE models, for running games, and has a USB port for adding games, and was giving them away to Club members. - It was mentioned that there is a new Game Station Pro firmware upgrade on AtariAge, v. 1.31, which improves game folder organization. - Don played "Combat", and "Donkey Kong Z" on his Game Station Pro with a friend. - It was mentioned that VCF West, had no Atari exhibits, only an Atari 400 in the Consignment area. Rod asked about the Show next year and suggested we have a booth. - Kevin mentioned he was surprised that Leonard Tramiel remembered him, and greeted him.Mr. Tramiel was pleased to see lots of Commodore stuff. - Richard is looking for a "Decent" mechanical keyboard for an Atari 400. - Kevin and Richard shared pictures of a robot at VCF that had an Atari 2600 and a car stereo. - Richared shared that SOCAL VCF is a great show. - Kevin and Richard spoke of an IBM 1401 Mainframe from 1959 at the Computer History Museum, which you can use punchcards for them to print your name. - Rod shared that his father showed him an old IBM mainframe as a child.Bob used to work on them, and the first thing is to run your finger over the indicator lights to check the bulbs. - Kevin said nobody has an IBM 650. - The Raffle was held and Richard won a notebook cooler.