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Atari 815 Disk DrivesAtari 815 dual, dbl density floppy drive, Nov 3, 2015 mtg. Very Rare, Bob W.
3 Atari Computers 3 Atari computers brought to Dec. 1, 2015 mtg, two Atari 800, 1 Atari 130XE

Who We Are

We are the San Leandro Computer Club. Started in 1983 as an Atari 800 Computer User Group. We are one of the older, continuing computer user groups in the Bay Area. We meet at the San Leandro Public Library, 300 Estudillo Ave, San Leandro, California, on the first Tuesday of the month, at 7pm.

SLCC Member Web Sites:

Atari 800 and Joystick
Atari 800 brought to the Dec. 6, 2011 Mtg.

Group Selphie Sep 2015
Atari 1200, brought to the May 6, 2014 Mtg.
Atari 800
Selfie from the
Sept. 1, 2015 Mtg





Next Meeting

Our next Zoom meeting will be on the next non-first Tuesday,  7pm, West Coast, U.S. time.  Members receive invitations each week. If a guest would like to attend a meeting please contact Robbie Bridges.

Our next live, hybrid meeting, at the San Leandro library, and on Zoom, will be held on the first Tuesday of the month, from 6:45pm-7:45pm, West Coast, U.S. time. at the San Leandro Public Library, 300 Estudillo Ave., San Leandro, CA 94577. Contact Robbie Bridges to confirm you're coming.

The "Shelter in Place" order made necessary by the Covid-19 outbreak, has caused our meetings to be weekly, using Zoom virtual meeting software (free) starting in May, 2020. As of Aug. 2021, we began hybrid meetings, on the 1st Tues. of each month. The other weeks are Zoom only,.


A 30 minute audio (.wav) file was generated summarizing our Oct. 1 - Dec 10, 2024 meeting notes here.

Kirk Edwards forwarded this link to a YouTube video that discusses the Atari series of 8-bit computers

Our collection of Disks of the month from 1983 to 1995 have been made available on the Internet Archive. When you arrive at the site, where it says, DOWNLOAD OPTIONS", click "SHOW ALL" to see links to zipped .ATR files for each group of SLCC Disks Of The Month. Many thanks to Kevin Lund who uploaded all these files as well as our past SLCC Journal newsletter archive.

Claim to fame: We won the 1st Place Award at Computer Festival West 2018, for the best booth. This is the 2nd year in a row we've won it. Details and photos in our Facebook post and just-uploaded (Oct 24, 2021) photo gallery.

We upgraded our photo albums producing a 2017 and 2021 record of our attendance at the Vintage Computer Festival West

Meeting Notes

January 28, 2025 - Zoom - In attendance Kevin, Robbie, Don, Michael, Bob, Scott, and Bill. Discussed project that tracks these meeting summaries, history of the Atari 800, 6502 microprocessor, an add-on board for the 800 that "might support the latest AI." Kevin discussed an Atari ST program (ST.ME) MS Dos 6.22 Emulator. An Atari 800 Basic program to run Tic-Tac-Toe, produced by and ChatGPT was reviewed. Not sure if it would run. Some discussion of Atari Basic ensued. See detailed meeting notes.

January 21, 2025 - Zoom - In attendance: Kevin, Robbie, Richard, Scott, Bob, Don: Talking about whether feet on the Atari 800 were square or curved and Atari 410 recorders being easy to repair and others machines having problems due to hardening grease. See detailed meeting notes.

January 14, 2025 - Zoom - In attendance: Kevin, Robbie, Don, Scott and Bob: Talked of a new Atari trackball, box of Atari games and a new 2,600 game found in Atari backup tape. See detailed meeting notes.

December 30, 2024 - Zoom - In attendance: Kevin, Richard, Mariano, Don, Scott and Bob. Discussed an Atari VCS, miniature Atari version received by Bob as a Christmas present, an Atari 1200 XL extender, and an installation of a Sofia 2 in an Atari 65XE. See detailed meeting notes.

December 23, 2024 - Zoom - In attendance: Kevin, Robbie, Bob, Scott, Don, Bill, Garrett. Kevin acquired a unique Atari 800 board which protects the memory and allows for the transfer of ROM from a cartridge, discussion of expanding Zoom meetings to include Facebook folks, Kevin shared his discovery of a unique Atari 800 software package and finally discussed a book titled "Dr. C. Wacko presents Atari Basic and the whiz, bang! Miracle machine" found on Craigslist. See detailed meeting notes.

December 17, 2024 - Zoom - In attendance: Kevin, Robbie, Scott, Ron, Bob, Garrett. Atari topics discussed were foot replacements on Atari 800s, repairing Atari 800s, a box of Atari 800 books and a misleading "Atari Excel" named book. See detailed meeting notes.

December 10, 2024 - Zoom - In attendance: Kevin, Robbie, Don, Garrett, Mariano, Bob and Scott. Atari Bot that accepts code and runs on a simulated Atari 800, Atari item prices on Ebay and an Atari was damaged during shipping and Kevin received full refund. See detailed meeting notes.

December 3, 2024 - Hybrid - In attendance Kevin, Robbie, Garrett, Bob, Scott, Ron, Michael S., Michael. New OS Incognito board for Atari 800 , 800 vs 1200 discussion, Power requirements of 600, 800 XL models. See detailed meeting notes.

Recent Meeting Note URLs

As of July 30, 2024 we began summarizing our Zoom Sessions and listing them on this web site 

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Updated February 2, 2025