
Facebook Page

Facebook LogoThe latest SLCC happenings are posted to our public Facebook page.

Google Group: 

Google LogoWe use a confidential Google Group for msgs. Access if you have a Google or Gmail Account at: New Style | Old Style

Atari 815 Disk DrivesAtari 815 dual, dbl density floppy drive, Nov 3, 2015 mtg. Very Rare, Bob W.
3 Atari Computers 3 Atari computers brought to Dec. 1, 2015 mtg, two Atari 800, 1 Atari 130XE

Who We Are

We are the San Leandro Computer Club. Started in 1983 as an Atari 800 Computer User Group. We are one of the older, continuing computer user groups in the Bay Area. We meet at the San Leandro Public Library, 300 Estudillo Ave, San Leandro, California, on the first Tuesday of the month, at 7pm.

SLCC Member Web Sites:

Atari 800 and Joystick
Atari 800 brought to the Dec. 6, 2011 Mtg.

Group Selphie Sep 2015
Atari 1200, brought to the May 6, 2014 Mtg.
Atari 800
Selfie from the
Sept. 1, 2015 Mtg






Herein lie Atari-related internet links. The emphasis is on Atari 800 class (8 Bit) machines, but, other platforms are mentioned. If you have an Atari link that isn't here, please email it to our webmaster. The organization of the links is also evolving. If you have suggestions they will be greatly appreciated.

Atari 8 Bit


Atari Web Ring

Several web sites were located using the Random Atari 8 bit sites of the Atari Web Ring and are listed below.




File Searching


Games on (2600, 5200, etc)


Collections of Atari Links

Labors of Love

These are Web sites that have been created by individuals who obviously love Atari hardware and software. Kudos to you!


Link contributed by Lily, a grade school tech enthusiast.



Photo Galleries

User Groups


I don't need to tell you this, but just check Wikipedia when you want to know anything about anything. A few exceptional articles are listed below